• Address Bhagawatpur, Badahary, Saptari, Nepal
  • Email bbmcampus@gmail.com
  • Phone 9862933747

Currently the campus has been running 3 years and 4 years Bachelor’s in Education programs. There are 363 regular students admitted in the Campus at present. The campus has employs 8 full time and 2 part time teaching staff. Similarly there are 4 full time administrative staff as well.

The campus has been providing quality education at affordable cost since the beginning which has been proved by consistent good results and also by the fact that 13 of our passed out students were successful to secure government job through teacher service commission exam 2072 B.S. The campus has also been able to empower local women as more than 65% of the attending students are girls. This has also changed the mindset of the local people and has encouraged them to send their daughter to school.

Campus has 11.75 Khatha of its own land. It is currently leasing two buildings from the near by government school to run its classes. The campus has completed the construction of its own 4 class rooms building constructed under the grants provided by university Grants commission since fiscal year 2069-70 B.S. UGC had provided twenty five lakhs (NRs 25,00000/-) in fiscal year 2069-70 and Rs. twelve lakhas fifty thousand (NRs12,50,000/-) in fiscal year 2070-71 campus also contributed fourteen lakhas (NRs. 14,00000) for the building construction from its own resources.

The campus gives equal priority to the physical development of the students. The campus has its own volleyball court, basketball court and basketball court. To help students in the research and communication, the campus has recently launched free Wi-Fi in its premises.

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